The most important challenge that the quality food sector will have to face in the coming years is certainly the digital one. Made in Italy food will become big if, and only if, it will be able to put in place an overall strategic plan in the web. So, the battle moves from the elds to Internet. In the new digital markets, our excellence products – PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), PGI (Protected Geographical Indication), and Organic – do need structured and coherent strategies in order to protect and promote the whole food market. Considering the value of this domain in Italy, we cannot continue to address this issue in a weak or inconstant way; it is necessary to plan a long-term digital strategy that can be e ective on several fronts. ree priorities must be considered facing the web: the protection of Geographical Indications and of the companies; the enhancement and promotion of these products; the regulation of the dynamics of the e-commerce. With regard to the protection of this sector, the impression is that the productive capacities of our local excellences are undermined in Internet with a single click.
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53100 Siena (Si) Italy
Tel. +39 0577 1503049
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Progetti Qualivita
Banca dati dei prodotti europei DOP IGP - Atlante Qualivita
La pubblicazione dei prodotti DOP IGP STG - Osservatorio Qualivita
Dati ed analisi del settore DOP IGP - Rapporto Ismea Qualivita
Indagine economica sui prodotti DOP IGP - Passaporto Digitale
Sistema di anticontraffazione e tracciabilità per le dop IGP
Organizzazioni di settore
- Origin Italia
Associazione Italiana Consorzi IG - Federdoc
Confederazione Nazionale dei Consorzi volontari per la tutela delle denominazioni di origine - Masaf
Ministero dell’agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste - Ismea
Istituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare